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Celebrating 20 Years and Beyond…

Introducing the WA24 20th Anniversary Edition, a masterpiece born
from two decades of relentless innovation and passion at Woo Audio.


WA24 20th Anniversary Edition

Flagship Single-ended Headphone Amplifier

Upgrade. Save. Trade Up Program

TUBE mini

Balanced Headphone Amplifier / DAC

WA7e Fireflies

Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier / DAC


Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)


Headphone Amplifier / Preamplifier

WA7 fireflies 3rd gen

Balanced Headphone Amplifier / DAC

WA8 eclipse

World’s First Battery-operated Tube Amp / DAC

 ES8 Electrostatic

Headphone Amplifier / Preamplifier


The New Flagship. Electrostatic Headphone Amplifier / Preamplifier

WA33 Elite Edition

Flagship headphone amplifier / preamplifier


Woo Audio ELEVATION Audio Cables

For demanding audiophiles and today’s high-end audio systems.

What the press say about us

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